I've just become a grandma again!! For the sixth time I have to say! My son and daughter-in-law in Australia had a little boy (actually not that little) 9lbs 4 oz and he was born two weeks' early by Caesarian.
They are calling him Joel Christopher! Quite nice I think but I've been told off as I pronounced it to rhyme with Noel and it should be pronounced to rhyme like hole!! Oops.
I saw him on Skype this morning at the hospital so I could talk to my daughter-in-law and son as well as see Joel. Very clever stuff this IT!!
This is the first picture my son sent - Joel was only half an hour old here.
I have booked my trip out to Australia for the end of the year but Joel will be six months old when I first see him.
Chris and Fi already have two other children, Emma and Adam and they are tickled pink over Joel.
I will try and publish some cards I have made and what I've been doing over the last 4 months!!
Bye xxx